Lesson Planning and Resources | 2Simple

May 7, 2024 -

Explore how 2Simple can help reduce lesson planning and resourcing time with this range of blogs containing information for each of the Primary Curriculum subjects - perfect for headteachers, subject leaders and teachers alike!

Lesson planning and resources
Explore how 2Simple can help reduce lesson planning and resourcing time with this range of blogs …
Teaching Science with 2Simple

Sept. 26, 2023 -

Explore the world of science at 2Simple, with lots of fun activities an great tools to encourage your students to think scientifically and become more critical in their observations. Find great resources across Purple Mash as well as our Science Leader's Toolkit.

Teaching Science Blog
Explore the world of science at 2Simple, with lots of fun activities an great tools to …
British Science Week - 11th-20th March 2022

Feb. 9, 2022 -

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths, featuring entertaining and engaging events and activities across the UK for people of all ages and will take place between 11th-20th March 2022. This year's theme is 'Growth' and here are a range of resources to experiment with. We know this is not traditionally "celebrated" in SA... but we just had to share all these cool Purple Mash activities with you!

British science week FB.png
British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths, featuring entertaining and …