Everything you need to teach remotely with Purple Mash

Jan. 18, 2021 -

Did you know that Purple Mash has a whole section solely dedicated to getting you, the teacher, up and running with using the program for Remote Learning? Last year when we were all told schools would be moving to a blended teaching approach, the task was a daunting one for all teachers. Tried and tested methods and resources would have had to be significantly adjusted to suit a more online approach and all teachers needed to find not only teaching tools but platforms which would aide the move to digital.

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Did you know that Purple Mash has a whole section solely dedicated to getting you, the …
Giving Feedback with Purple Mash

Jan. 15, 2021 -

With schools now potential having to set work remotely for pupils, the ability for teachers to be able to give feedback on work set and reward pupils is vital. There are many tools within Purple Mash that makes this easy for teachers to do.

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With schools now potential having to set work remotely for pupils, the ability for teachers to …
Video Support for Purple Mash

Jan. 15, 2021 -

Did you know 2Simple has a You Tube channel crammed full of videos to help you optimise your Purple Mash teaching? Our in-house experts unpack the various tools and resources to ensure you can make the most of the program and use every last part of it when putting together your learning program for your learners.

Did you know 2Simple has a You Tube channel crammed full of videos to help you …
Become a serial reader with Serial Mash!

Dec. 1, 2020 -

Purple Mash offers Serial Mash, which is your very own library at home. With over 100 books for children aged 5 - 11, Serial Mash offers the opportunity to carry on your reading programme with your learners regardless of their home environment and support resources. With our teaching becoming more online based and distance learning very much a reality, Serial Mash is the perfect way of ensuring accessibility of reading material to all your learners.

Two primary school children reading Serial Mash books by 2Simple Ltd
Purple Mash offers Serial Mash, which is your very own library at home. With over 100 …
Go with the flow with 2Chart

Nov. 23, 2020 -

2Chart is an amazing tool that you can use to make flowcharts for many purposes. Used across the curriculum, this tool is particularly useful as we are going into our current assessment period. Learning often includes flowcharts and spider diagrams making this the ideal tool to enable an organised, systematic and effective way of organising their study notes.

A tablet showing a flow chart made using 2Chart in Purple Mash by 2Simple
2Chart is an amazing tool that you can use to make flowcharts for many purposes. Used …