Purple Mash at Home - From a Parents perspective

June 19, 2020

We wanted to find out how our parents are interacting with Purple Mash as their children get stuck into the platform during lockdown. It can be quite overwhelming to suddenly have to manage your child’s learning, so we asked a few parents about their experiences and here’s what they had to say:


Purple Mash has been such a useful tool in our house during this lockdown period. Having heard about it from my son who has been using it at school for over a year, it has been a pleasure to immerse ourselves further into the platform and to experience all that it offers. Having two children at home on very different levels and with different learning abilities and needs, Purple Mash has allowed each child to independently work and learn. Being a computer-based software, the kids love it and literally fight over who gets to use it first. I am really impressed how easy it is for the kids to use and for me to navigate when needed. The outcomes of each task are clearly evident and the kids love learning through them. We’re so glad our kids will be able to continue to fully utilise the platform going forward.

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What a program! The children love the quizzes in particular. Our school uses Purple Mash as an extension tool and at the end of a theme. We have used it a lot during our online learning program. The children already knew how to use it which was useful. They were really excited when they saw they were able to use it at home. There are fun activities that are used to ascertain whether the children have grasped the concepts and to add a fun element to learning. The children get to play around with the material until it becomes comfortable. Highly recommend!

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It’s been great to hear from our parents who get the real nitty-gritty experience at home with their kids and we can’t wait to strengthen our relationship and learning journey with your children! Parents are encouraged to join in our relevant daily training sessions and we run Q&A sessions frequently to help you along.

For any queries please contact info@2simple.co.za.