Mash of the Month April - Multiplication Tables Check

April 2, 2022

Our #MashOfTheMonth for April is the Multiplication Times Check - this is a highly effective tool for delivering and assessing multiplication tests for pupils. There are two modes available: Assessment and Custom. Each of these modes generates detailed reporting information within the Data Dashboard. The Assessment mode is a quick times table test based on the Year 4 maths assessment, while the custom mode enables you to personalise your own multiplication tables test. Teachers can choose the tables, the number of questions, duration of tests, and pauses so perfect to set for any year group to assess understanding. The video below gives you an overview

Multiplication Times Checker Assessment Mode

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2021/22 academic year. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables so that additional support can be provided. Schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils between Monday 6 June and Friday 24 June. Schools are strongly encouraged to administer the check within the first 2 weeks of the check window. The guidance for schools administering the test has been updated and also includes information for parents.

The assessment mode within the 2Simple Multiplications Tables check has been designed to mirror as closely as possible the format of the multiplication tables check by the Standards and Testing Agency.

This includes the specification of:

  • 25 questions;
  • 6 seconds per question;
  • 3-second pause between each question;
  • audible warning between questions;
  • option to change colour scheme;
  • entry options including mouse, keyboard, on-screen number pad, touch screen device;
  • multiplication table limits specification (Minimum and maximum number of times tables in each test);
  • Upon pressing 'enter' or waiting for the time to run out, the number(s) displayed on-screen is accepted as the pupil's response.

For every test completed, data is generated which can be viewed in the Data Dashboard. As well as practising in class, teachers can set this as a 2do for pupils to access at a specific date. When setting as a 2do, teachers will need to ensure the assessment mode is selected.

When children enter assessment mode, they are presented with a description of the test to read before choosing to start the test, once they press start, they are given a 3-second count down to prepare tho their first question. When pupils enter a number the number entered will be accepted as their answer as soon as they click the enter button or the 6-second countdown has been completed. Just like the Standards and Testing Agency test during assessment mode children will not be given any indication during the test as to whether their response to a question was correct or incorrect. At the end of the test, pupils are presented with their results. Their total out of 25 will be displayed along with a handy colour-coded breakdown of each question. Pupils can review each question at their leisure by simply clicking on any of the question numbers

Multiplication Times Checker Custom Mode

Custom mode allows children and teachers to customise a multiplication test - perfect to be used in any year group. Custom mode give the ability to:

  • Select tables to be assessed on;
  • Number of questions;
  • Time per question;
  • Duration of assessment;
  • Pause between questions;
  • Display duration timer;
  • Display per question timer;
  • Show no. of questions answered;
  • Change the colour scheme;
  • Mute audible question warning.

Just like in assessment mode, any test completed in custom mode generates data that can be viewed in the data dashboard.

Data Dashboard

Opening the Data Dashboard will allow you to see reports on pupil performance on individual 2dos that have been set and are still open and also on all scores for pupil performance in the Scores section. When the Multiplication Table Check data is chosen from the scores section. The following options can be changed/manipulated:

  • Show for: Select the class/groups/pupils data to be shown for;
  • From and to: The period you want the data to be shown for;
  • Drill down by activity: Chose between showing Assessment, Custom or All.
  • Select Metric: Chose from All, Score, Accuracy, Average Correct Time.
  • Show progression: Changes view to show weekly results (progress over time);
  • School hours only: Selecting this will eliminate data that was captured out of school time.
  • Export to Excel: Produces a replica of the current data displayed in the reporting area into a handy Excel file.

It is easy to change between the reporting of either Assessment mode and Custom mode. The Assessment Mode report can display Score, Accuracy, and Average Correct Speed. Each of these metrics can be further broken down per pupil to provide extensive diagnostic information. When accessing an assessment mode report from scores, the default view will show a non-progression report. This report provides an average for all the metrics displayed. When selecting Show progression, the view will change to show a week-by-week view (progress over time). Progress will be shown for only one metric. To see progress for a different metric use the Select Metric dropdown. Like the non-progression report, it is possible to see a breakdown for each week for the metric showing.

The Multiplication tables check user guide gives further guidance on both how to set and how to access reporting.

However you use the Multiplications Times checker in school we would love to see how your children get on. You can share examples via our Twitter or Facebook pages, and if you share this in April with the #MashoftheMonth hashtag you'll be entered into our monthly draw to win a 2Simple goody bag!