Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Karen Walstra

Aug. 26, 2020

We learnt this weekend that the inspirational educationalist Sir Ken Robinson passed away. In his 2006 TED talk he questioned “Do schools kill creativity?” He suggested that we “fundamentally rethink education”. The digital revolution is all around us, in the applications we use, how data is processed, all the technologies we see and read about. Embracing the changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or 4IR) around us and making learners aware of the technologies, assists in preparing them with skills of the future, for the unknown world ahead!

As a teacher, I used 2Simple’s software way back when it was on CDs and lived on the desktop! A few months ago I began investigating and exploring 2Simples’ Purple Mash platform and its incredible content. Purple Mash also contains a wide range of tools for teaching and learning. What jumped out at me was how these tools could address almost all the learning applications a school would need across all subjects.

A image showing 2Code in Purple Mash by 2Simple Ltd

In addition to that, the Purple Mash tools up-skill learners, creating an awareness of 4IR tools. Technologies related to the 4IR include: data analytics, wireless, cloud computing, sensors, Internet of things, robotics, automation, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, augmented reality and virtual reality.

Since all digital technology is developed on writing software programs for computers to understand, exposing learners to these skills from an early age creates an awareness of possible jobs of the future. These jobs may include software application development, web development, computer systems engineering, database management and systems analyst. With Purple Mash learners can learn to code on three different tools, 2Code, 2Go and 2Logo.

2Code is a block based learning tool based on Javascript. Learners build new coding skills in each lesson, develop their ability to debug a program and understand the coding literacy skills, finally creating their own programs in the free and creative play of every activity. Each of these aspects of the various skills are building computational thinking in the learners, as well as adaptability, perseverance and confidence.

2Go is an introductory, simple directionality game, where learners control the object on the screen using a range of instructions. The program is a great introduction to programming, as learners complete the challenges.


2Logo is based on Logo, the text-based coding language, where learners code the digital turtle to move in specific shapes and angles. This program was created by Seymour Papert the South African born mathematician, teacher and computer scientist, who worked at MIT most of his life. Using 2Logo gives learners guidance when their code does not match the correct structure of the language and will prepare learners for the demands of more complex text-based coding, at the same time reinforcing mathematical concepts of 2D and 3D shapes and structures.

Python in Pieces is another 2Simple product which teaches learners how to program in Python through a systematic, structured and progressive pathway. Learners can program in the block-based version or the python language simultaneously, visually seeing both at the same time, through this interactive programming learning tool.

Introducing learners to the world of programming builds a range of skills which augment and support their skills in literacy and numeracy, while developing their computational thinking skills.

The gaming industry is another 4IR experience, valued at about 18 Billion USD in 2018, which many educators don’t see the value of yet. The gaming industry is not just constitute the players, but the designers, creators, evaluators and so much more. In Purple Mash learners can design and create their own 3D game maker tools. Learners develop design and creative thinking skills which help in solving problems. Additional tools that support this include 2Create A Story (used to design backgrounds and sprites) and 2Sequence (used to create their own sounds or music which could be added to their games).

When evaluating their games, and those of others, they develop their analytical, evaluation skills. They could even design their own evaluation quizzes, which they could ask classmates to complete and provide feedback in 2Quiz.

An image showing 2Design and Make from Purple Mash on a table by 2Simple Ltd

The world of 3D printing is a booming 4IR industry with a wide range of career opportunities, from small scale to large industry manufacturing for construction, health and food industries, customised software design, material development, and even for outer-space. Exposing learners to the field of 3D printing opens worlds of possibilities. The Purple Mash tool of 2Design and Make allows learners to create 3D objects, while viewing them in 2D. These objects and items can be printed on paper to be folded and made into real 3D models. Additionally the files can be downloaded as an .stl file and set to a 3D printer and printed in 3D.

The careers in digital artwork and animation also relate to the 4IR and provide exposure to learners to careers such as Art Director, Stop Motion Animator, 3D Modeller or Compositing Artist to name a few. The Purple Mash tools that are used for developing these skills are 2Paint a Picture, 2Paint, 2Animate, as well as 2Create a Story. Learners are encouraged to think creatively, solve problems, take risks and be innovative.

Within Purple Mash digital sound and music are fields which the learners can be exposed to as well, with tools such as 2Explore, 2Beat, 2Sequence and BusyBeats. These careers involve music production, record production, Audio Technician, Recording Studio Manager and Sound Designer.

Along the way additional tools are used to investigate (2Investigate and 2Question) and plan (2Chart, 2Connect, selecting 2Publish and/or 2Publish plus tools). As the project finishes learners could evaluate the creation, develop a comprehensive report and provide feedback using tools such as 2Graph, 2Quiz, 2Write and 2Create a story.


This wide array of tools could be used to develop learners' thinking and problem-based learning - Enquiry-Based and Project-Based learning at its best! By incorporating these Purple Mash tools into your everyday lessons you could be developing persistence, perseverance, confidence, creativity and innovation in each learner in a fun manner!

Inspire learners to be creative, adaptable and to think, while exposing them to initial 4IR concepts the fun way!