Developing Phonics with Purple Mash

April 30, 2024

While a lot of our schools first subscribe to Purple Mash for the amazing computing tools we offer, many are astounded by the amount of resources we have which cover a range of subjects. We have resources for maths, English and science, as well as foundation subject such as history, geography, RE and art.

As children in the early years develop their computing skills with Purple Mash, teachers can also use our Phonics resources to develop their reading and writing skills.

Phonics blog

Phonics in Mini Mash

Phonics begins in the Early Years, which is why we have phonics resources and games available within Mini Mash. Mini Mash is our online space for children in the Early Years, and is free with a Purple Mash subscription, or it can be purchased separately for nurseries, childcare providers and parents. Want to try it out? Grab a free trial here.

Begin letter recognition with the letter sounds slideshows, pairs game, letter paint projects and initial sounds quizzes. These are perfect for having on the board or tablets as an activity during continuous provision, or could be used as whole-class revision.

Develop further sound and grapheme recognition with our missing sound quizzes, phase 2 cloze and phase 3 cloze activities, and writing templates. These are great for interventions both for children who need extending further, or those who need a bit of extra practice.

You can also access alphabet printables which are great for creating eye-catching and useful displays.

Phonics in Purple Mash

As children move onto Purple Mash, their phonics, reading, writing and spelling skills and knowledge will still be developing. We have resources for phonics from Grade R up within Purple Mash. For each of the phases, we have:

  • Cloze activities for all sounds
  • Sound flashcards
  • Word flashcards

Phase 2 also has compound word flashcards, and Phase 5 has alternative spelling flashcards.

If your school doesn't have Purple Mash yet, start a trial today. Remember, Mini Mash is also included FREE in all Purple Mash subscriptions!

Reading in Serial Mash

Once children are ready for reading, we have a dedicated library for younger readers on Serial Mash called Diamonds. With Serial Mash, you can schedule and serialise books so that pupils can also read at home, and they have their own online reading journals which automatically add books they have read - great for building good habits! With over 200 books, Serial Mash has books for everyone, and even has a library for children who may be more reluctant to read: Fire bolts is our collection of books which help motivate and promote eager reading.