The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work is a powerful comprehensive resource aligned to the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework which supports schools with achieving excellence in Teaching & Learning for Computing. This Quick Start Guide presents a step by step guide to getting started and making the most of the scheme. It contains everything that is needed to deliver inspiring and engaging lessons whilst allowing for the flexibility to meet individual school needs.
We recently published one-side A4 knowledge organisers for every unit, available as both PDFs and editable word documents.
Whether new to role or more experienced, this latest toolkit is perfect for Maths Leaders and team members.
It contains a range of practical and useful documents which make auditing, action planning, reviewing provision and developing you as a leader a lot less onerous.
Designed to help PE leads show what progress looks like for pupils within their school. The Progression of Skills document outlines the different levels children should be achieving each year.
The English Leader's Toolkit is packed full of everything you need to successfully run your English department at school.