Striver and the Sports Premium

May 5, 2022

Schools must use the Sports Premium funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the physical education (PE), physical activity and sport they provide.

Download our free information guide to see how Striver can secure improvements in the teaching of PE.

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Mental Health Awareness Week Activities

April 27, 2022

This free pack contains a range of Mental Health Awareness Week activities for 2022. There are activities suitable for Reception – Year 6 and all tasks relate to this year’s topic of 'Loneliness'.

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A guiding hand: the journey to confidence, competence and an engaging curriculum

March 22, 2022

Research insights and case studies from 2Simple's Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work

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PE Leader's Toolkit

March 8, 2022

The PE Subject leader sample toolkit is a collection of useful documents designed to save you precious time and ultimately help you establish excellence with Physical Education within your school.

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Preparing you for a successful Inspection - Support Pack

Oct. 7, 2021

Clive Davies OBE of Focus Education has outlined what he thinks any school needs to consider in terms of school improvement, self-evaluation and preparation for your next OFSTED visit in this support pack, which includes a checklist for preparing for a successful inspection.

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