International Literacy Day

Sept. 5, 2024 -

At 2Simple we want to help by raising awareness of International Literacy Day and the importance of young people gaining those valuable literacy and language skills that are needed throughout life.

Here we look at just some of the resources available within Purple Mash that can help young learners engage with literacy and enjoy it for life.

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At 2Simple we want to help by raising awareness of International Literacy Day and the importance …
Lesson Planning and Resources | 2Simple

May 7, 2024 -

Explore how 2Simple can help reduce lesson planning and resourcing time with this range of blogs containing information for each of the Primary Curriculum subjects - perfect for headteachers, subject leaders and teachers alike!

Lesson planning and resources
Embedding Key Skills with Purple Mash

April 18, 2024 -

It's that time of year when children in all year groups will be practicing and revising their key skills, ready for SATs, the Multiplication Tables Check or end of year assessments.  We've got lots of resources on Purple Mash and Serial Mash to help with the key skills across reading, writing, SPaG and maths.

Embedding Key Skills
Shakespeare Week - 18th-24th March

March 12, 2024 -

Shakespeare Week is an annual celebration giving primary school aged children opportunities for enriching and enjoyable early experiences of Shakespeare. There are a range of resources within Purple Mash and beyond that lend themselves well to supporting any introduction to Shakespeare.

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Shakespeare Week is an annual celebration giving primary school aged children opportunities for enriching and enjoyable …
Teaching English with 2Simple

Aug. 31, 2023 -

Check out what 2Simple has to offer to complement and add to your English lessons, including a whole-school Spelling Scheme of Work, Guided Reading resources and our English Leader's Toolkit.

Teaching English Blog