Digital Leaders making an impact at Castleview

Oct. 10, 2022 -

Within Purple Mash, there is a dedicated area for Digital Leaders, pupils who have a passion for Computing and can gain leadership skills and develop their computing skills while having fun. It was fabulous to hear from Mrs. Harris, who shared the impact that the Digital Leaders have at Castleview Primary School.

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Within Purple Mash, there is a dedicated area for Digital Leaders, pupils who have a passion …
Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 4

May 27, 2022 -

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors that can contribute to a high-quality computing teaching and learning and including factors such as the curriculum itself, pedagogy, assessment and systems in place'. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

On the final day of our 4 part series, we examine pedagogy and assessment.

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On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors …
Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 3

May 26, 2022 -

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors that can contribute to a high-quality computing teaching and learning and including factors such as the curriculum itself, pedagogy, assessment and systems in place'. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

For day 3 of our series, we look at computational thinking and problem solving, information technology, and digital literacy.

Ofsted FB.jpg
On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors …
Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 2

May 25, 2022 -

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors that can contribute to a high-quality computing teaching and learning and including factors such as the curriculum itself, pedagogy, assessment and systems in place'. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

On day 2 of our series, we examine declarative and procedural knowledge, as well as computer science.

Ofsted FB.jpg
On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, aiming to 'identify factors …
Purple Mash and Ofsted's High Quality Computing Curriculum: Day 1

May 24, 2022 -

On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, to identify factors that can contribute to high-quality school computing curriculums, assessment, pedagogy and systems. We've taken a close look at the report and identified how Purple Mash meets each of those factors, and throughout this week we're posting a series of blog posts outlining exactly how it does this. Each daily blog will cover 2-3 of the factors in depth, looking at what the report says and highlighting where Purple Mash supports them.

Today, we start by looking at teacher technical and pedagogical content knowledge of computing, as well as the curriculum structure: called the pillars of progression within this report.

Ofsted FB.jpg
On 16th May, Ofsted published their research review into the computing curriculum, to identify factors that …