Embedding Key Skills with Purple Mash

April 18, 2024 -

It's that time of year when children in all year groups will be practicing and revising their key skills, ready for SATs, the Multiplication Tables Check or end of year assessments.  We've got lots of resources on Purple Mash and Serial Mash to help with the key skills across reading, writing, SPaG and maths.

Embedding Key Skills
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Serial Mash: New releases

Sept. 8, 2021 -

In this terms new releases, your class can get swept up in Dr Edward Jenner's quest to develop a vaccine, Lola's anticipation of her Nonna coming over from Italy to live or will it be Miles investigation into the mysterious sock thief that gets your class excited about reading this term.

New book releases.png
In this terms new releases, your class can get swept up in Dr Edward Jenner's quest …