Introducing Your Top 10s Winner...

Feb. 28, 2024

Top tens winner 1

You have been voting for your favourite top ten and the results are in. The winner is…


Congratulations to TTDA (Top Ten Deadliest Animals if you hadn’t worked that out), but now we, that’s you and us, have to decide what the TTDA actually are, and that is going to involve a bit of thinking...

How to choose?

You see, it all depends on what is meant by deadly. It could be the animals that kill the most humans every year, but it could also mean the most venomous. There are an awful lot of animals out there whose poison is extremely deadly. Thankfully, they might not use it on humans very often, but if they did, the results would be pretty devastating.

What about locusts though I hear you ask? (I didn’t, my hearing isn’t that good). Great question. Locusts don’t kill humans directly, but a huge swarm of them can destroy fields and fields of crops in no time at all, so maybe deadly means having a terrible effect.

And then, there are the animals that are predators, preying on other animals for food, or the creatures that swim beneath us or fly above our heads that we might not be as deadly to us, but can be really deadly to other flying or swimming animals.

Ultimately, your own Top Ten Deadliest Animals list is up to you, but we'd love to hear your reasoning behind your choices!

Have your say

Have your say and select your Top 10 Deadliest Animals here. There’s a deadly deadline for you to send in your lists though, we need them by the 30th of March because we will then select some to put into our first-ever Top Ten book. So, get researching, talking, thinking, and writing, and send us your lists - we can’t wait to get them!

For more information download the full competition terms and conditions