Try the newly updated 2Count

Oct. 19, 2021

Purple Mash pictogram tool 2Count is a versatile tool that lets you create pictograms to represent all kinds of items, from favourite colours to foods eaten and everything in between, in just a few clicks.

Thanks to a recent update the tool just got even more powerful. There are now 2 modes that bring more capabilities and allow children to do even more with their data.

Simple mode

In simple mode children can:

  • Choose their counting theme from a long list of options, ranging from minibeasts to weather.
  • Edit or make their own theme. Using the clipart picker, they can easily create their own images using a camera, the paint tool, the media manager, or by uploading their own file.
  • Adjust other visual properties. The text and background colours can be easily adjusted in the settings menu, supporting accessibility. The number of columns can also be quickly changed using the buttons at the top of the screen.

Advanced mode

Advanced mode brings even more capabilities, such as:

  • Selecting appropriate counting systems, or what each image represents in numerical value
  • Ordering columns
  • Sorting data
  • Manipulating what is visible on the charting area, such as showing and hiding the scale or key and adding row shading to support counting.
Screenshot 2021-10-19 154448.png
Creating a mood pictogram in 2Count

We’d love to see how you’re using the new 2Count. To share your work with us, simply tag us in posts on Twitter or Facebook.

Discover more

2Count is just one of the many tools that are available as part of a Purple Mash subscription. Try Purple Mash for free to discover more.